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Click the “Start Test” button above to begin our free TEAS practice test! These TEAS practice questions will give you a better idea of what to study on your exam.
TEAS Checklist
TEAS Practice Tests by Subject
If you need some extra practice in a specific subject, click one of the subjects below to get started on a subject-specific TEAS 7 practice test.
Good luck with your studying!
TEAS 7 Test Outline
New Question Types on the TEAS 7
On the TEAS 6, multiple-choice questions were the only type of questions you were given. This has changed on the TEAS 7. The TEAS 7 features four new question types in addition to multiple-choice:
How the TEAS is Scored
The good news is there is no defined way to “pass” the TEAS. Because the exam is used purely as an evaluative tool, meant to gauge how well you’ll be able to handle nursing school curriculum, what qualifies you as “passing” the exam is ultimately up to the programs you’re planning to apply to.
You will have access to your scores within 48 hours of your testing date. As it stands, the TEAS splits its scores into sections. Each question category has its own score, as well as the test sections themselves, alongside one big score compiled from your scores on the test sections. Once your scores are released, they’ll go to your nursing program of choice.
*Total and Content Area scores are adjusted to account for differences across forms (different versions of the TEAS exam).
TEAS Score Requirements
To give you an idea of how varied the score requirements can be from school to school, here are a few examples of the TEAS score requirements from different schools across the country:
College/UniversityTEAS Score RequirementsUniversity of Texas Austin65%University of Houston60%Indiana University65%Georgia College70%University of New Mexico58.7%University of San Diego80%University of Central Florida78%West Coast University58.7%North Shore Community CollegeReading: 69% Math: 73% Science: 50% English: 66.7%North Virginia Community College70%Harford Community College58.7%Collin College65%
Practice for the TEAS the Best Way
How to Study Effectively
When studying for your TEAS test, you not only want to set aside plenty of time, but you also want to be sure that during that time, you are studying in the most effective way. How can you know if your study time is effective? Well, one of the best ways to ensure your time is being used effectively is by taking a free TEAS practice test. Practice tests allow you to gauge how prepared you are for the actual test.
Taking a TEAS sample test will also show you exactly which areas are your weakest, which can help you know which areas to study further. After you take a TEAS practice test, ask yourself the following questions:
- Which TEAS questions did I miss?
- Were there questions I was unsure of, even though I got them right?
- Which questions were hard to understand and took the longest?
When you ask yourself these questions, it will help expose the areas that you struggle with the most so that you know which areas need more attention during your study time. It may also be helpful for you to pinpoint exactly why you struggled with specific questions. Did you find the material hard to comprehend? Were you unfamiliar with some of the words and their meanings? Should you spend more time practicing a specific type of TEAS question to familiarize yourself and build speed? Really try using these questions to uncover any limitations as you continue to work through the material.
Answer Explanations
TEAS practice tests also often contain portions that expound on each answer choice. These are known as answer explanations or answer rationales. While this is a great source of extra information, be cautious not to read through the explanation and, because it makes sense, assume that you understand the entire concept in depth. It may be that the explanation only expounds on a narrow portion of a very broad topic, so be sure to review and dig into each topic that the question is referencing until you have a comfortable grasp of it.
Comprehend Each Topic
Another reason to make sure that you have a thorough understanding of each topic is because the TEAS practice test is simply practice. If you try to rely on having the questions from the TEAS sample test memorized, you may be making things harder on yourself.
The odds that you have the exact same questions on your test are probably pretty low, so if you only know the right answers on the practice test, but you don’t know why each answer is the right answer, then you may not do as well as you hope. Thoroughly study each concept until you have comprehended it. This is the best way to guarantee success on the actual TEAS test.
Don’t Become Overwhelmed
Try not to overwhelm yourself as you study. If you jump into taking a practice test before even looking at the study material, this can cause you to feel discouraged.
Practice tests are meant to be taken after you have done the hard work of studying and are ready to test yourself on your ability to recall it.
The day that you take the actual TEAS test, you will be expected to be able to answer the TEAS questions, have mastered test-taking time management, and apply all the strategies that you have learned. That is a lot to expect.
Keep in mind that you aren’t just preparing for a one-time test; you’re preparing for your long-term future. That being said, be sure to pace yourself. If you do this, you will be ready on TEAS test day.
Other TEAS Practice Resources
As you prepare, it may be helpful to use different types of resources to help you study. Mometrix offers all the help you need. At the top of this page, you can find links to TEAS practice tests, study guides, flashcards, and more. We also offer several videos helping to further explain complex topics.
TEAS Test Online Prep Course
If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online TEAS prep course designed to give you everything you need to succeed!
Here’s what you’ll find in the TEAS course:
Everyone learns differently, so we’ve tailored the TEAS online prep course to ensure every learner has what they need to prepare for the TEAS 7 exam.
Click below to check it out!
TEAS Practice Methods
Try using the following methods, as you begin taking practice tests:
- Remove Limitations. Try taking the TEAS practice test without time limitations, open notes, and with TEAS study guide in hand. Obviously, try not to depend on these resources but have them available.
- Time Yourself. When you take the second practice test, keep all of the same resources, but time yourself to practice learning how to pace yourself for the test.
- Simulate Test Day. After taking the first two TEAS practice tests, take every other practice test as if it is test day. Time yourself, eliminate all outside resources, sit at a desk, and pretend like you are at the actual testing facility. Do the best that you can to answer the questions correctly and in a timely manner.
- Keep Practicing. After you have finished simulating test day, keep practicing. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you will be on test day.
To help you prepare for the exam, you’ll find answers to some of the most common questions about the exam listed below.
TEAS® is a registered trademark of the Assessment Technologies Institute®, which is unaffiliated, not a sponsor, or associated with Mometrix Test Preparation.