
Flooded park with benches and the bottom of a tree partially submerged in water.

Flooding can have a devastating and long-term impact on people’s lives. Around five million homes and businesses in England are at risk of flooding, but many people are unaware and unprepared.

Not only can a flood cause damage to your home and belongings, costing you thousands of pounds, but it can disrupt your life and cause emotional distress. Preparing before a flood, and knowing what to do when it happens, can reduce these significant impacts.

Who is most at risk?

The people most at risk of flooding are those who live in a flood risk area. You can check your long-term flood risk for areas in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Actions you can take to prepare if you live in an area at risk of flooding

There’s different guidance on preparing for flooding in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Actions you can take if you are about to be flooded or during a flood

You can check for flooding in the next 5 days. If your area has a flood warning (when flooding is expected) or severe flood warning (when there’s a danger to life):

Report severe river or coastal flooding in England by contacting the Environment Agency on the 24-hour service telephone line: 0800 80 70 60. You can also use Type talk on 0345 602 6340. For some types of flooding you will need to report these to your local council. Find out more information on how to report flooding.

If your home is flood damaged and you’re not able to live there, contact your local council for help getting temporary accommodation.

Find out what to do during a flood in Scotland, what to do during a flood in Wales and what to do during a flood in Northern Ireland.

Actions you can take after a flood

Further information and resources

The Environment Agency provides advice for residents and businesses at risk of flooding.

Link nội dung: https://studyenglish.edu.vn/index.php/the-flood-may-rise-higher-we-have-to-move-upstairs-a76209.html